
Today I’m reflecting. 11/11 is a significant day. This sequence of numbers has shown up mostly daily for me since 2019. I started to witness it showing up when I moved to Morocco back in 2019.

During that time I felt this magical reassuring feeling that I was 100% in the right place & beautiful moments & learnings were unfolding. I learnt so much from my experience in Morocco, the greatest was how life can be extra beautiful when you strip back the unnecessary things, go without the ‘stuff’ and just live in simplicity. Wow so much more awareness to the beauty around when you live with less have distractions.

Anyway, seeing the numbers show up on my phone time, page numbers of a book, on a can of sprite! or even showing up as I was teaching, it was actually funny how often I would see it. We all make our own perceptions out of experiences and what they mean, and for me it was a sign, little nudges from something greater than myself that I was on the right path and that everything was in alignment.

Here’s to the magic of the universe ✨

Happy 11.11 ✨

Morocco I will be back 🇲🇦❤️

Do you ever see a common occurrence of certain numbers?

@serendia.wellness #magic #1111

#morocco #maroc #taghazout


De-Clutter December.


What is Life Coaching?